Lewis added to Uplands Science & Technology Foundation Board

ODON, Ind. – Mark Lewis, president and CEO of the Purdue Applied Research Institute (PARI), has been named to the board of directors of the Uplands Science & Technology Foundation (USTF), a nonprofit development and research organization that supports WestGate@Crane Technology Park, the group announced July 31.

Lewis is among eight new members who bring “extensive experience in driving innovation-led economic development, a central theme of the technology park’s development strategy,” USTF said in a statement. “The new board will enhance USTF’s business development activities, position the technology park for new state and federal opportunities and strengthen USTF’s relationship with Indiana’s research universities and institutions.”

“It’s an honor to be chosen to sit on this dynamic board,” Lewis said. “PARI is committed to contributing to the growth and success of WestGate@Crane and I look forward to working with these many highly experienced associates.”

The announcement came alongside several progress updates in the park. WestGate@Crane also launched an updated brand and website upgrades and noted milestone project developments that complement the park’s momentum and growth. USTF said the changes reflect emerging defense technologies that are driving growth and opportunity within Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division, at WestGate@Crane and in Indiana.

The full USTF statement is available here.

Media contact: Evamarie Socha ecsocha@purdue.edu

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